New Articles Needed

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Revision as of 13:51, 14 April 2007 by Lorinda (Talk | contribs)
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Listed below are hints and topics from the forums at Trinity that need to be added to the wiki. You can help us by turning the content of these links into new articles by editing the stub pages.

For each topic below, there are two types of links; one to a "stub" page in the wiki and one to the actual thread at trinity. The wiki page link is provided to make creating the articles easier. If the wiki link is blue, a page is already set up for you, ready for editing. If the wiki link is red, clicking on it (if you have editing privileges) will create the page for you.

The links to the trinity threads are provided both for potential editors, and for those persons looking for answers to their questions. You can click on the link on this page to get to your answer more quickly. (Note that in some cases, the wiki page may contain quotes from the thread as well as links, and may be a faster route to the information you need.)

Note that the predominant language of the trinity forums is English, so most if not all of these threads will be in English. At the time of this writing (April 2007), there were French, Spanish, and Italian speakers among the "regulars" at trinity. If you are in need of a summary or explanation of a tip in one of these languages, post a request in the appropriate thread, and someone may be able to help you.

Calc Specific Tips

Parsing Names in Calc [1]

This tip explains how to use Calc's forumlas to split a full name (Jane Margaret Doe) in a cell into first, middle, and last names each in their own cell.


Database Specific Tips

Configuring FileMaker Pro [3] [4]

Connecting to your FileMaker Pro database from NeoOffice

Configuring postgresql [5]

Connecting to your postgresql database from NeoOffice

Configuring hsqldb [6]

Connecting to your hsqldb database from NeoOffice

In addition, the main page of the database article (Configuring and Using Databases) currently contains stub-ish tips for connecting to dbf and MS Access databases.

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