Current events

From NeoWiki

Revision as of 19:48, 10 December 2006 by Sardisson (Talk | contribs)
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We're working on an announcement for the Aqua Beta public release, as well as beginning work on the NeoOffice 2.0 Press Kit.

Some articles are marked with the "Fixme" category; these articles need fixing of some sort.


There is also some work on drafting overview brochures/explanations of the various component programs.

We are also working on setting up translated versions of this wiki. The French and German versions are fairly complete, and the Italian version has a good core of articles already translated. There is also a Spanish version in the very early stages of translation.

If you're interested in helping (either with an existing version or starting a translation in your own language), please visit Guidelines for Translating the NeoWiki for more information on getting started!

Don't forget to consult the Style Guide!

Past events that will reoccur

We are drafting an announcement for the upcoming 1.1 release. In addition, a press kit is being worked on.

Documentation on the NeoLight Spotlight plugin is being edited.

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