NeoOffice Screenshots

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Revision as of 13:42, 9 December 2007 by Sardisson (Talk | contribs)
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Screenshots as of NeoOffice 2.1 (27-Mar-2007) or NeoOffice 2.2.2 (10-Oct-2007)

Click on the thumbnail to see the larger version; each full-size screenshot is approximately 100 KB unless otherwise noted.


NeoOffice Writer

File and Edit menus

File menu with custom menu and keyboard configurations; Edit menu with custom menu and keyboard configurations, showing Track Changes items

NeoOffice toolbar document menu and fonts popup

Aqua NeoOffice document icons in the toolbar's "new document" menu; Fonts toolbar popup menu showing system highlight color and (optional) font previews

Multiple Scripts

Writer document illustrating some of the scripts supported by NeoOffice (266 KB); a structured PDF suitable for printing is also available (204 KB)

NeoOffice Calc

Calc spreadsheet with two graphs

179 KB

NeoOffice Impress

Impress modifying a PowerPoint presentation

163 KB

NeoOffice Base

Designing a form in NeoOffice Base (183 KB)

Form with a sub-form (108 KB)

Designing relationships in NeoOffice Base (123 KB)

Designing queries in NeoOffice Base (167 KB)

NeoOffice with no documents or windows open

NeoOffice menu with "quickstart service"

Aqua NeoOffice menu showing "quickstart" items with customized keyboard shortcuts, keeping NeoOffice 2.1 running when there are no document or application windows open; Aqua NeoOffice menu showing Arabic-localized "quickstart" items and illustrating Mac OS X bugs with RTL menus

Dock menu with "quickstart service"

NeoOffice 2.1 Dock menu showing "quickstart" items, localized in French and Arabic

Aquafication milestones

Screenshots illustrating the progress of Aquafication of NeoOffice are available in the NeoOffice/J Screenshots Archive and on the NeoOffice 1.2 Screenshots and NeoOffice 2.0 Aqua Beta Screenshots pages.

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