NeoOffice Advocacy

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Join the "Neo Advocacy" effort — Spreading the Word about NeoOffice/J

Even a comment here or there in your conversations, on the web, or on appropriate mailing lists, an entry in your blog, or some other small action will be helpful. There are still millions of Mac users who are unaware of NeoOffice/J and who might benefit from it.

If you have more time or energy to commit to "Neo Advocacy," please consider joining our Community Relations team (see the forum topic on Trinity) — it's no "Spread Firefox," but there's still more than one person can do. Help respond to misguided news stories/postings on other fora, announce new NeoOffice/J releases, and so forth!

Or help improve relations between the larger community and the Mac OOo and NeoOffice communities.

Activities of the NeoOffice/J Community Relations Team

The following is an in-progress guide to what the Community Relations team does. More info will be added as needed.

If you want to join the team and help us out, leave a message in our forum topic on Trinity!

If you just want to suggest a site where we should maintain a product listing, know of a current listing not included below, or if you know of a site to which we should send an announcement of new NeoOffice/J releases, please add the site(s) to the appropriate section(s) below.

Maintaining NeoOffice/J Software Listings

Online Listings We Maintian

Sites Where We Should Be Listed

  • ZDNet/CNet/ — $9/mo. fee
  • TUCOWS — overly complex and restrictive listing agreement
  • Regional-specific software sites — de, fr, it, etc. — NeoOffice/J is localized into 40 languages, from Afrikaans to Zulu!
Members of the Community Relations team should consult the for more information on adding or updating a listing.

Listings or Endorsements from Others

These are software listings not maintained by the Community Relations team or sites which actively encourage their users to try or adopt NeoOffice/J (ongoing moreso than "mentioned once in this blog").

Press and Other Activities of the "NeoOffice/J Community Relations" Team

  • Submit stories to Slashdot and MacSlash for major NeoOffice/J releases (Beta and Final/GM, not Alpha or RC)
  • Help Ed with "corrections" to Slashdot stories/FUD about Mac OOo and Neo
  • Submit announcements to MacInTouch for major NeoOffice/J releases (Beta and Final/GM, not Alpha or RC)
  • Submit announcements to regional news sites for major NeoOffice/J releases (Beta and Final/GM, not Alpha or RC)
  • Follow-up on other reports/reviews of NeoOffice/J (e.g. lga on MacBidioulle's wrong screenshots)
  • Et cetera
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