Problems with Keywords in Formulas

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Using keywords in a formula in NeoOffice Math can provide strange and undesirable results.

Deactivating Keywords

For example, if you want to write the ratio of the lengths of two segments, LM and LN or IM and IN, the formulas "LM over LN" and "IM over IN" give:

To fix that issue, you have to place the % sign before the keywords: the formulas "LM over %LN" and "%IM over %IN" give:

Likewise if you want to write some angles, such as DEF, you have to replace "widehat DEF" with "widehat %DEF".

Keywords List

There are a lot of keywords. You will find the keyword list by going in the Help menu then in the NeoOffice Help sub-menu. Choose NeoOffice Math in the drop-down menu, then click on Formula Reference Tables in the How to Work With NeoOffice Math section.

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