Performing calculations in a table within a text document

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Valterb (Talk | contribs)
(It's just a (bad) translation of the italian page. Feel free to correct it and change the name of the page! When done you have to add it to Tips page)
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If the formula is been written in a cell of table 1 you can omit to write "Table1" before cell reference (in this case B2); again, if the formula is been written in a cell of table 2 you can omit to type "Table2" before cell reference alla casella (i n this case A3). If the formula is been written in a cell of table 1 you can omit to write "Table1" before cell reference (in this case B2); again, if the formula is been written in a cell of table 2 you can omit to type "Table2" before cell reference alla casella (i n this case A3).
-{{botlangbarEN|[[It:Calcoli_in_una_tabella_di_un_documento_di_testo|Italiano]] +{{botlangbarEN|[[It:Calcoli_in_una_tabella_di_un_documento_di_testo|Italiano]]}}
[[Category:NeoOffice]][[Category:Tips and Hints]] [[Category:NeoOffice]][[Category:Tips and Hints]]

Revision as of 13:31, 1 February 2007

Calculation on a table within a text document

In Writer, NeoOffice word processor, is possible make simple calculatons directly inside a table, without the need of inserting a Calc Object as OLE object.

List of mathematic function usable within a table of text

To do this task you need to:

  • insert a table as you usually do;
  • type data in the table cells;
  • click on the cell where you want to insert a calculation formula;
  • than, to insert the formula, you can follow two ways:
    • press F2 key; or
    • write "=" (without “) directly inside the cell
  • a typing row will appear just on topo of the page , after "=" (without “) sign type the formula you wish;
  • than hit the Invio key

Mathematical functions that you can use for formulas can be typed directly or choose from the list that is shown clicking on Formula icon that is present in the toolbar that appear (on the left of the formula-typing field).

Copy of a formula in other table cells

It's possible to copy and paste a formula from a cell to others, keeping relative references. I'm going to explain this. Let's have a table with 5 rows and 3 coloumns. In cell A1 type 1; in cell B1 type 2; in cell C1 insert a formula, i.e. "=A1+B1" (without “; you could also not type A1 and B1: to insert the cell reference in a formula, after you have typed "=" or after you have hitted F2 key, click on cell A1, then hit + key and than click on cell B1). Now if you want to repeat the same calculation in cells from C2 to C5 you can do what follow:

  • click on cell C1;
  • keeping left-bottom-key of your mouse (or the only key) move to B1 cell and than back to C1: the entire and only C1 cell will be highlighted;
  • do a copy as you usually do:
    • from menu Edit/Copy; or
    • hitting the “copy” icon in Standard toolbar; or
    • hitting simultenously ⌘ and c keys.
  • Now, select cells from C2 to C5 and
  • paste clipboard content as you usually do:
    • from menu Edit/Paste; or
    • hitting the “paste” icon in Standard toolbar; or
    • hitting simultenously ⌘ and v keys.

Calculation among data from cells that belong to different tables

In NeoOffice Writer it's possible to make calculation using data that are written in different tables. To do this you have to know (or remember) that NeoOffice numbers tables you insert in a text in a progressiv order. So if you have inserted a number in cell B2 of the first table, a number in cell A3 of the second table and want to make a calculation betwen these to numebr and put the result in a cell of a third table, you have to follow these instructios:

  • click on a cell of the table where we want to have that the result is displayed;
  • type {{{1}}} or F2;
  • insert the formula, for example for an addition, choose on the these ways:
    • type "<Table1.B2>+<Table2.A3>" (without “) and hit Enter key; or
    • click on cell B2 of table 1, type + (without “), click on cell A3 of table 2 and hit Enter key.

If the formula is been written in a cell of table 1 you can omit to write "Table1" before cell reference (in this case B2); again, if the formula is been written in a cell of table 2 you can omit to type "Table2" before cell reference alla casella (i n this case A3).

This article in other languages: Italiano
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