Documentation and Related Resources

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In addition to this wiki, there are many places to find documention and other information about using NeoOffice. Many of these resources are written for, but most of the time they apply equally as well to NeoOffice. When working with information about, remember to use the Command key in NeoOffice when the resource mentions the Control key.

Some articles or resources may only be available in certain languages; you may want to refer to the versions of this article written in one of the other languages listed at the bottom of the page. Resources specific to a particular module (Writer, Calc, Base, Macros, etc.) are more likely to be listed in the wiki pages dedicated to those modules than here.


Free User Guides and eBooks

- - - 2.x User Guide, OpenOffice 2.x Guide - - Peter's NeoOffice guide

Ebooks and Print Books for purchase

- - "A Conceptual Guide to NeoOffice 2 for Mac OS X" R. Gabriel Gurley <edit #2> - - OOo books available via <edit #2>


Trinity OpenOffice forum

- - "A Conceptual Guide to NeoOffice 2 for Mac OS X" R. Gabriel Gurley <edit #2> - - OOo books available via <edit #2>


The blogs below are full of useful articles and tips on using Jean Hollis Weber also has separate pages for each module, with some links to helpful resources across the net.

Bruce Byfield
Solveig Haugland
Jean Hollis Weber


- Visual tutorials:

Related Articles

Sources for Templates, Clip Art, etc.

This article in other languages: {{{1}}}
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