Talk:Formatting Formulas in NeoOffice Math

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Revision as of 15:26, 5 February 2007 by Lorinda (Talk | contribs)
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I'm not sure that "a squared matrix of order two" is precisely the right phrasing in English, but I'm not enough of a mathematician to know for sure. (It's been 20 years since I worked with a matrix!) So I've left it as is.

--Lorinda 01:19, 5 February 2007 (GMT)

Sorry Lorinda, I did a little typo. The right phrasing is "square matrix of order two". I fix it. Thanks for the "polish".

Thanks for answering me so quickly. "of order two" still feels awkward to me, but that is probably the difference between "normal" English and mathematical usage.

And it didn't need much "polish." Where it did, it was usually an issue of the use of prepositions or word order, which are two of the most challenging elements of learning another language in my opinion. I am amazed that you are also know Spanish and Italian well enough to translate from them into French. But then we Americans are rather backwards when it comes to learning other languages. The fact that I am fluent in one language in addition to English is unusual enough were I live; add in that I've studied (but am not fluent in) one other modern language and four dead ones, and people think I'm really odd! Many people around here have never studied another language at all, and those that do generally do so only long enough to satisfy high school or college requirements. It is refreshing to be reminded that we don't have to be creatures of one language only!

--Lorinda 15:26, 5 February 2007 (GMT)

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