Talk:NeoOffice/J 1.1 Announcement

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Revision as of 22:27, 21 May 2005 by Waldo ( | contribs)
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--sardisson 12:13, 21 Apr 2005 (CDT) (tried to eliminate the "release" and "version" appearing in every sentence. Oscar also thinks we need some more detailed app features included in the announcement; I'd prefer to do this in a third-plus paragraph(s) :-)

--Ovvldc 13:18, 21 Apr 2005 (CDT) (Good work. 3rd paragraph is also a good idea. Reminds me of a journalism course: most imporant stuff first, and you should be able to clip paragraphs starting from the bottom. I suggest we work out the pros at Trinity. BTW, your box is an html table..)

--knutkja 15:23, 21 Apr 2005 (CDT) Regarding native: Isn't it sufficent to say native, and move the X11-sentence further down? (As a more tech-oriented paragraph at the end?) Or isn't that clear enough? Neo/J is *not* OOo, so it doesn't have to say what its not doing... [Haven't edited, just asking.] :)

--sardisson 15:49, 21 Apr 2005 (CDT) Ahh, I was expecting a pretty CSS box like you did in Talk:Main_Page, Oscar :-)

--Ovvldc 16:58, 21 Apr 2005 (CDT) Did I make that box? Anyway, Flash exports should be added to the list as well. Will edit.

--Waldo 17:27, 21 May 2005 (CDT) Why is it that of all the features in NeoOffice/J, we make such a big deal about "including the ability to track changes as a document is sent from one user to another"? I think this is an awkward clause we've been trying to jam in for some reason and is totally unnecessary.. it's like saying "including the ability to check your spelling" or "including the ability to make characters italicized".. It's like.. yeah, so?

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