NeoLauncher Code
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Revision as of 23:47, 19 September 2006 by ( | contribs)
xcode files: http://neo-downloads.sixthcrusade.com/neolauncher-xcode.zip
-- neolauncher.applescript -- neolauncher -- Created by Jacob Haddon on 9/19/06. -- Copyright (c) 2006. Released under LGPL on clicked theObject set j to (name of theObject as string) --display dialog j if j is equal to "open" then display open panel set the pathNames to (path names of open panel) openFiles(pathNames) else if j is equal to "quit" then quit {} else openNeoOffice(j, "-") end if end clicked on run openNeoOffice("-") end run on open (theFiles) openFiles(theFiles) end open on idle -- close icon only if ooo has terminated if isOOoRunning() = 0 then tell me to quit end if -- check all x seconds if ok to quit return 3 end idle on quit if isOOoRunning() = 0 then continue quit else display dialog "NeoOffice is still running, are you sure you want to quit NeoLauncher?" continue quit end if end quit ------------------------------------------------------------- on isOOoRunning() set soffice to getProgramPath() & "/soffice" set isRunning to do shell script "_FOUND_=`ps -wx -o command | grep \"" & soffice & "\" | grep -v grep`; echo $_FOUND_" if isRunning ≠"" then return 1 else return 0 end if end isOOoRunning on openNeoOffice(progToOpen, aFile) set l to getProgramPath() --display dialog l --display dialog progToOpen do shell script ¬ "alreadyRunning=`ps -auxww | grep soffice |grep -v grep | wc -l`; exec \"" & l & "/soffice.bin\" -" & progToOpen & " \"" & aFile & "\" & if [ $alreadyRunning -eq 1 ] then osascript -e 'tell app \"NeoOffice\" to activate'; fi" end openNeoOffice on checkPath(aPath) set pathFound to do shell script "if [ -d \"" & aPath & "\" ]; then echo \"true\"; else echo \"false\"; fi" --display dialog quoted form of aPath if (pathFound = "true") then return 1 else return 0 end if end checkPath -- getInstallPath -- finds the path to the oo.o installation -- checks the path to make sure there is something there -- returns true if so, or error message if not on getNeoPath() set myPath to (path to me) --set oooInstallPath to "/Applications/OpenOffice.org 2.0.app/Contents/openoffice.org" tell application "Finder" to set j to POSIX path of (application file id "org.neooffice.neooffice" as string) set NeoInstallPath to j & "/Contents" if checkPath(NeoInstallPath) = 0 then display dialog "No valid installation found at: " & NeoInstallPath return "" else return NeoInstallPath end if end getNeoPath on getProgramPath() return getNeoPath() & "/MacOS" end getProgramPath on openFiles(fileList) -- open dialog sends posix if (count of fileList) > 0 then repeat with i from 1 to the count of fileList set theDocument to (item i of fileList) --display dialog theDocument openNeoOffice("soffice", theDocument) end repeat end if end openFiles