Yosemite Upgrade Issues

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This article describes known issues for running NeoOffice on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite. Follow us on Twitter @NeoOffice to get notified when we fix any Yosemite issues.

Problems after upgrading to Yosemite?

Step 1 - Download and install the latest version of NeoOffice

  • NeoOffice Mac App Store users:
    • Ensure that Apple's App Store application has installed NeoOffice 2015 by launching Apple's App Store application and doing these steps
    • Install the latest test patch for NeoOffice 2015
    • If NeoOffice does not launch or NeoOffice Free Edition launches, we recommend that you try the following steps. These steps will force Apple's App Store application to redownload NeoOffice:
      • Quit NeoOffice if it is running
      • Move NeoOffice to the Trash and empty the Trash
      • Reboot your machine (note: this step is very important because if you do not reboot, the steps below may not work)
      • Launch Apple's App Store application, select the Store :: Sign In menu, and login using your Apple iTunes account
      • In the App Store application, click on the "Purchases" icon and press the "Install" button to the right of NeoOffice
      • Wait for NeoOffice to finish downloading before you try to launch NeoOffice

Step 2 - If NeoOffice does not launch, displays an error when saving documents, or has any new bugs immediately after doing the above steps, we recommend deleting NeoOffice's preferences files using the following steps

These steps will force NeoOffice to create new preference files with default values:

  • Quit NeoOffice
  • NeoOffice Mac App Store users:
    • Launch the /Applications/Utilities/Terminal application, copy the following commands into the Terminal window, and press the Return key:
      open ~/Library/Containers/org.neooffice.NeoOfficeSecureEdition/Data/Library/Preferences/NeoOfficeSecureEdition
      defaults delete org.neooffice.NeoOfficeSecureEdition
    • A new Finder window should open. Rename the selected NeoOfficeSecureEdition folder by pressing the Return key, editing the folder name, and pressing the Return key again.
  • NeoOffice Classic Edition users:
    • Launch the /Applications/Utilities/Terminal application, copy the following commands into the Terminal window, and press the Return key:
      open ~/Library/Preferences/NeoOffice-3.0
      defaults delete org.neooffice.NeoOffice
    • A new Finder window should open. Rename the selected NeoOffice-3.0 folder by pressing the Return key, editing the folder name, and pressing the Return key again.
  • Launch NeoOffice

Step 3 - If NeoOffice displays question marks or boxes instead of text, some of your fonts may be incompatible with OS X Yosemite

To stop NeoOffice from using incompatible fonts, find and remove any fonts that are incompatible with OS X Yosemite using the following steps:

  • Quit NeoOffice and launch the /Applications/Font Book application
  • In the Font Book application window, select all fonts by selecting the All Fonts item in the left column
  • In the Font Book application window, click on a font in the middle column, select the Edit :: Select All menu, and then select the File :: Validate Fonts menu
  • In the Font Validation window that appears, select any fonts that that are marked in red or yellow and press the "Remove Checked" button

If NeoOffice still displays question marks or boxes instead of text after doing the above steps, change the font to one of Apple's fonts that can display the language of your text using the following steps:

  • Select some text in the document that displays as question marks or boxes
  • Right-click or Control-click on the selected text
  • In the popup menu that appears, select the Font menu, and then select one of the following fonts:
    • Arabic - Geeza Pro
    • Chinese - Heiti SC
    • Hebrew - Lucida Grande
    • Indic - Davanagari
    • Japanese - Hiragino Kaku Gothic

Step 4 - If NeoOffice crashes when printing, your printer driver software may be incompatible with OS X Yosemite

To stop crashes in your printer driver software, you will need to download and install an updated version of driver software for your particular printer. Each printer manufacturer creates their own printer driver software so you will need to search the web for printer drivers. Be sure to include the manufacturer name and module number of your printer when searching the web.

Fixed bugs

  • Opening and saving documents in iCloud Drive - We have fixed the following issues when opening and saving NeoOffice documents in iCloud Drive:
    • When a document in iCloud Drive is open in NeoOffice and that document is moved to the Trash on a different Mac, OS X Yosemite would make the document unsavable. We fixed this bug by displaying a Save As dialog when saving or closing the document so that the user can restore the deleted document.
    • When the same iCloud Drive document is edited on more than one machine at the same time, synching of changes to the document would not be synched between machines. We fixed this bug by implementing Apple's file coordination protocols to share the document's native file lock with the iCloud Drive sync daemon.
    • When a new iCloud Drive document is saved for the first time with the same name on more than one machine, on some of the machines NeoOffice would display a native Open dialog.
  • Other issues - We have also fixed the following OS X Yosemite issues:
    • When the same Dropbox document is open on more than one machine at the same time and the document is saved, all of the other machines would display a native Open dialog when saving.
    • When a document is moved or renamed while open in NeoOffice, double-clicking on that file in the Finder would open a second window with the same document. We have fixed this bug so that only the existing document window is moved to the front like normal.
    • Starting in OS X Yosemite Developer Preview 6, a white rectangle would be drawn over several blocks in the status bar at the bottom of most NeoOffice document windows. We fixed this bug by reimplementing our native border drawing code.
    • When NeoOffice 3.4.1 tries to load Java and Apple's Java is not installed, OS X would display a dialog for downloading Oracle's 64 bit Java instead of Apple's 32 bit Java. We fixed this bug by forcing OS X to display the dialog for downloading Apple's 32 bit Java.
    • When clicking on a hyperlink that points to a file, NeoOffice 2014.5 would fail to open the file. We have fixed this bug by displaying a native Open dialog. After clicking the Open button in the native Open dialog, OS X Yosemite will allow NeoOffice to open the file.
    • When editing a table in a Base database, NeoOffice 3.4.1 would occasionally hang. We fixed this bug by reimplementing our code that draws native OS X table column headings.
    • When using a right-to-left (RTL) language such as Hebrew or Arabic, text would be drawn on top of the drop down button in comboboxes and popup buttons. We fixed this bug by shifting the text rightward when OS X Yosemite draws a combobox or popup button in RTL mode.
    • When exporting to PDF, any text in the document that uses a Type 1 font would not be displayed in the exported PDF.
    • NeoOffice would sometimes draw Arabic characters on top of each other
    • NeoOffice would crash when displaying the Save dialog while the titlebar popover window is visible

Unfixed bugs

Send us a bug report

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