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Revision as of 06:55, 26 June 2009 by Samwise (Talk | contribs)
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Printers stop working after installing Apple system update

Issue: In late June 2009, Apple released a system update for Mac OS X 10.5.7 Leopard. That system update appears to have a bug that causes your existing printers to stop working in all applications, including NeoOffice.

Solution: Fortunately, we have found that the following steps should get your printers working again:

  1. Launch the System Preferences application and click on the Print & Fax icon
  2. Control click in the list of printers and in the popup menu that appers, select Reset printing system...
  3. Reboot your machine
  4. Press the + icon to readd each of your printers

Note: Resetting the printing system will, among other things, delete any custom printing presets you had created. In order to recover them, you will need to backup the following file beforehand:

~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.print.custompresets.plist (where ~ is your Home Folder)

and copy it back to the ~/Library/Preferences/ folder after resetting the printing system.

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