Using MySQL

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Enabling NeoOffice/J or to connect to MySQL databases

Using JDBC and Connector/J


  • Download Connector/J 3.0 from the MySQL website.
    • The included README gives much information.
    • The most important keypoints are:
      • the class name of the JDBCdriver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
      • the URL format: jdbc:mysql://host.domain/database_name
    • You will need a version of Connector/J that supports Java 1.3.x, since that is the version of Java used in NeoOffice/J.
      • Note: Connector/J 3.1 and, presumably, later versions are not Java 1.3.x compatible.
  • The jar file location:
    • for OOo/X11: you can put it where you want. To let OOo know, you shoud go to "Tools->Options" menu item. Then in the "security" pane, there is a place to add directories to classpath. Click on browse and find your jar file.
    • for Neo/J: I had to put it in the <NeoOffice>/Contents/MacOS/classes folder to get it found. Didn't check with recent release if the previous classpath setting does work.
FYI. I just tried adding the MySQL jar file using the Security pane in the Tools->Options menu item Neo/J 1.1 Alpha 2. After adding the jar file in that pane and restarting Neo/J, I successfully connected to my MySQL database.
This works with Neo/J 1.1 final. The former option is probably better for providing it to all users, whereas this is well suited for
There is also an attachment (.sxw) to Issue 13753 which contains screenshots and a different location for placing the Connector/J file.


With the above basic setup, the connection should work. Then you come to the fine tuning stuff: charset, etc...

There are additional pointers available in this thread on trinity on other MySQL configuration issues.

Using OBDC

mansky posts some steps for getting OBDC to work with MySQL and in this post on trinity; it also contains other OOo/MySQL pointers.

kervalen posts some steps for getting OBDC to work with MySQL and NeoOffice/J in this post on trinity.

Using the Database with your NeoOffice/J Documents

information on how to use the database

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