Opening AppleWorks documents
From NeoWiki
Unfortunately, the AppleWorks file formats are completely closed and no other applications can open those files natively. However, AppleWorks is able to export some of its files in formats that NeoOffice can read. If you have MacLinkPlus, it provides additional translation options.
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Word Processing
Save your AppleWorks word processing files as RTF or the latest version of Microsoft Word for Windows supported by your version of AppleWorks.
Save your AppleWorks spreadsheets as the latest version of Microsoft Excel for Windows supported by your version of AppleWorks. Be sure to include the appropriate file extension (.xls) as the spreadsheet import filters in OpenOffice.org (and thus NeoOffice) do not have "extended type detection" and instead rely solely on the file's extension.
NeoOffice supports vector PICT files and can edit them in NeoDraw just like any other vector graphics format; unfortunately, recent versions of AppleWorks no longer export vector PICT files and instead only offer bitmap export, both via save and copy-and-paste. If you need your drawings to be editable, your only option is to save the drawing as a ClarisWorks 4 file and save the file as a PICT from ClarisWorks 4. Be sure to give the final file the .pct extension, since the graphics import filters in OpenOffice.org (and thus NeoOffice) do not have "extended type detection" and instead rely solely on the file's extension.
Save your painting file as a TIFF or PNG to prevent compression artifacts; you can then insert the file (but not edit it) in any NeoOffice module by using the Graphics: From File… item in the Insert menu. Again, be sure to use the appropriate extension when saving the file.
The best option here is to copy the presentation slides into individual drawing files and import these files using the process outlined in the Drawing section above.
First save as a ClarisWorks 4 database format and then use MacLinkPlus to translate your database to dBase format (.dbf) or to Comma Separated Values (.csv) or Tab Separated Values (.tsv); in the latter two cases, select the "Windows" option for best results. NeoOffice supports .dbf databases and can import CSV and TSV files into spreadsheets, which can be used as simple data sources; see Creating a Database for more info.
These tips generated based on NeoOffice 1.2, AppleWorks 6, and MacLinkPlus Deluxe 13.0002; older or newer versions of MacLinkPlus may have additional or fewer translation options, as translators are dropped and added in each release.