NeoOffice 2.0 Aqua Beta Screenshots

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Revision as of 10:30, 20 November 2005 by Sardisson (Talk | contribs)
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Screenshots as of NeoOffice/J 1.1 (22-Jun-2005)

Click on the thumbnail to see the larger version; each full-size screenshot is between 90-100 KB unless otherwise noted.


NeoOffice/J Writer

File and Edit menus

File menu with ; Edit menu with , showing Track Changes items

NeoOffice/J menu and Fonts toolbar popup

Aqua NeoOffice/J menu showing standard Mac OS X items and shortcuts and new "quickstart" items; Fonts toolbar popup menu showing system hightlight color and font previews

Localized Arabic GUI

NeoOffice/J Writer under the Arabic localized GUI, showing the تنسيق (Format) menu and docked Navigator and Stylist, and illustrating Mac OS X bugs with RTL menus

RTL document with English GUI

NeoOffice/J Writer editing a Hebrew document under an English Mac OS X enviroment

Multiple Scripts

Writer document illustrating some of the scripts supported by NeoOffice/J (240 KB); a suitable for printing is also available (204 KB)

NeoOffice/J Calc

Calc spreadsheet with two graphs

120 KB

NeoOffice/J Impress

Impress modifying a PowerPoint presentation

124 KB

NeoOffice/J and databases

NeoOffice/J interacting with MySQL

NeoOffice/J 1.1 (in Italian) forms and queries interacting with a MySQL database (108 KB)

NeoOffice/J with no documents or windows open

NeoOffice/J menu with "quickstart service"

Aqua NeoOffice/J menu showing "quickstart" items with , keeping NeoOffice/J running when there are no document or application windows open; Aqua NeoOffice/J menu showing Arabic-localized "quickstart" items and illustrating Mac OS X bugs with RTL menus

Dock menu with "quickstart service"

Dock menu showing "quickstart" items, localized in French, Arabic and Hebrew

Aquafication Screenshots

Custom icon set
A preview of a more friendly icon set under development for NeoOffice/J

Aquafication milestones

Screenshots illustrating the progress of Aquafication of NeoOffice/J are available in the NeoOffice/J Screenshots Archive.

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