Importing Data from Address Book

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Unfortunately, NeoOffice cannot directly use data from the Mac OS X Address Book at this time (although a specification for implementing this functionality exists). However, it is still possible to use data from Address Book with NeoOffice.

From this thread on trinity:


To export your system Address Book to NeoO download Address Book Exporter from (donation ware). In Address Book Exporter select the Address Book group you wish to export. Select "Export using current field settings". Click on Configure Settings and select the fields you wish to export. Click "Export". This creates a file called Exported Address Book.txt.

Open file in NeoO. Go Edit>Select all. Go to Tools>Text<->Table. In the opening window select the following options: Separate text at Tabs, Equal width for all columns, Header & Don't split table selected, Repeat Header & Border unselected. Press OK. This converts the data into a NeoO table. Select the first row of the table. Go Edit>Select all>Copy. Go to File>New>Spreadsheet and go Edit>Paste. Save as NeoO spreadsheet.

Go File>AutoPilot>Address Data Source. Select "Other external data source", click Next and click on Settings. In the General tab insert appropriate name, under Data base type select Spreadsheet, click radio button under Data source URL, navigate to the spreadsheet file you saved earlier, click Open>OK. Click on Field Assignment and associate the NeoO fields with the appropriate fields of the spreadsheet. In most cases the fields correlate to each other while other times a user-defined NeoO field may have to be used. Click OK and then Create. The AutoPilot confirms that data has now become available to NeoO. Click OK.

When creating mailing labels the address data are now available. Most of the above steps can be automated by recording a macro.


I'm not at a Mac I can test this on, but if you change the file extension to .csv NeoOffice should opening it using the spreadsheet. Change the delimiter from comma to tab in the import dialogue and then save it as a spreadsheet and jump straight to the third paragraph of Glenner's instructions.

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