Read Me for OO.oX11
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Revision as of 23:27, 31 July 2006
Please read these instructions carefully to properly install and configure OpenOffice.org 2.0. For future reference you should move this README file onto your hard disk. An FAQ for this release can be found on the NeoWiki (http://neowiki.sixthcrusade.com). This FAQ can provide help for some of the more common issues with this release.
We hope you enjoy working with the new OpenOffice.org 2.0 office suite. Join us online at http://www.openoffice.org!
Contents |
General Notes
Upgrading from previous versions? Please be sure to read the Upgrading section for important details.
X11 IS REQUIRED: You can find X11 in the Applications/Utilities folder. If you do not have it installed, here is how to get it:
- If you have Mac OS X 10.3.x or 10.4.x, the X11 package is included on your Mac OS X installation CDs/DVD. It may be pre-installed on new Macs.
- Mac OS X 10.3.x: The X11User.pkg is on Disc 3 of the Mac OS X Install CD set
- Mac OS X 10.4.x: The X11User.pkg is located in the Optional Packages folder of the Mac OS X Install DVD
If you are running 10.3 "Panther, you may also download and install X11 from here: http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/apple/x11formacosx.html.
System Requirements
OpenOffice.org X11 2.0 requires:
- Macintosh G4/400mhz or higher recommended
- Mac OS X 10.3 or higher (PPC), Mac OS X 10.4 or higher (Intel)
- 256 MB of memory for decent performance. 512 MB recommended.
- 300 MB free hard drive space for OpenOffice.org
- XFree86/XDarwin or Apple X11.
New Features
For a full listing of what's new in OpenOffice.org 2.0, see http://www.openoffice.org/dev_docs/features/2.0/index.html
To install OpenOffice.org 2.0 for the Mac,
- Download the DMG file from OpenOffice.org (make sure you have the right language and have selected "PPC" or "Intel" appropriately).
- Mount the DMG file by double clicking on it.
- Drag the OpenOffice.org.app file to your Applications directory. (Or to an alternative location if you desire)
- Double click Openoffice.org.app to start! It will start X11 for you, then OpenOffice.org (Remember, you have to have X11 already installed)
Upgrading from Previous Versions
If you have other versions of OpenOffice.org installed, you will still be able to use them. Unlike OpenOffice.org 1.1.2, OpenOffice.org X11 2.0 is contained in a .app bundle. This includes many of the functions found in "Start OpenOffice.org". When you start OpenOffice.org 2.0 for the first time, it will as you about importing your preferences from the previous install. This will not overwrite or change those preferences, just import them to the 2.0 application.
Starting OpenOffice.org Manually
To launch OpenOffice.org, simply double click the .app bundle (as you would any other program). It should automatically open X11 for you. If you encounter problems, you may want to try launching OpenOffice.org manually. With your X server running type the following command in the Xterm window (this command assumes you have installed the .app file into your Applications folder):
Language Packs
Localized language packs for es, fr, it, sv, de, nl, pt-BR, ja, ko, zh-CN, zh-TW are available on http://oootranslation.services.openoffice.org/pub/OpenOffice.org/. Select the version of OpenOffice.org you have downloaded.
User Support
A small community of Mac OS X OpenOffice.org users frequently help newbies install and use OpenOffice.org. Our Web-based support forums are online at:
Additionally there is the mac@porting.openoffice.org mailing list for Mac specific support and bug reporting.
Since we're volunteers, please read through the forums, this document, and other online documentation first to see if your question has already been answered. End-user questions and feedback are welcome. Please post your questions and test results on the Mac OS X Testing forum on OOodocs.org
Also, be sure to check the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section, found on the left-hand navigation bar of the OpenOffice.org home page. In the Mac OS X Testing forum, you will find testing tips and links to a Standard Test Suite of multi-purpose OOo documents.
For more information specifically about the Mac OS X or other OpenOffice.org ports, visit http://porting.openoffice.org/. Instructions for Mac OS X can be found at http://porting.openoffice.org/mac/. Feel free to stop by, learn, and even lend a helping hand!
Getting Involved
The OpenOffice.org community would very much benefit from your active participation in the development of this important open-source project. As an end user, you are already a valuable part of the suite's development process, and it's important we hear from you. You can make major contributions-- even if you have limited software design or coding experience.
At http://projects.openoffice.org/index.html, you will find projects ranging from Localization, Porting and Groupware to real core coding projects. If you are not a developer, try the Documentation or the Marketing projects. The Marketing project applies both guerrilla and traditional commercial techniques to marketing open-source software across language and cultural barriers, so you can help just by spreading the word and telling a friend. The Marketing Communications & Information Network at http://marketing.openoffice.org/contacts.html lets you provide point communication contact with press, media, government agencies, consultants, schools, Linux Users Groups and developers in your country and local community.
Consider subscribing via www.openoffice.org/mail_list.html to one or more of the OpenOffice.org mailing lists. Lurk for a while and use the mail archives to familiarize yourself with many of the topics covered since the OpenOffice.org source code was released back in 2000. When you're comfortable, make an E-mail self-introduction and jump right in. If you are familiar with open-source Projects, check out our To-dos list and see if there is anything you would like to help with at http://development.openoffice.org/todo.html.
Here are a few of the mailing lists to which you can subscribe. Following the description of each list is an indication of approximately how much email you should expect.
- News: announce@openoffice.org (recommended to all users) - light traffic
- Main user forum: discuss@openoffice.org (easy way to lurk on discussions) - heavy
- Marketing project: dev@marketing.openoffice.org (beyond development) - getting heavy
- General code contributors: dev@openoffice.org - moderate/heavy
- Groupware: groupware@whiteboard.openoffice.org - moderate
Developers are encouraged to discuss bugs on the developer mailing list. Advanced Mac OS X and Darwin users are encouraged to post their test results and questions on the Mac OS X Testing forum. The porting team will monitor this forum for bugs and issues to be entered into the OOo IssueZilla system. Feel free to post bugs and issues directly to IssueZilla if you are comfortable with this system.
Whether you are an end user or experienced software developer, the OpenOffice.Org project could use your help. The community is made of people just like you who believe in the value of open source and contribute their time and energy to offer the world a terrific product. We thank you in advance for your contribution.