NeoOffice 3.1.1 Release Notes

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Revision as of 04:45, 17 June 2010 (edit)
Sardisson (Talk | contribs)
(Current Patch - add neomobile google docs)
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Revision as of 02:25, 10 August 2010 (edit) (undo)
Sardisson (Talk | contribs)
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The new changes included in this patch are listed below: The new changes included in this patch are listed below:
 +* Fixed a bug where cursor and character positions do not match when non-printing "dot character" is displayed in some fonts
 +* Fixed a bug where the Calc SUM() formula for a cell range in an external file returns incorrect results
 +* Fixed an issue where Calc grid lines hidden by cell background color
 +* Stopped a crash when copying and pasting from Calc to Impress with Belgian keyboard layout
 +* Fixed a bug where outline of selected Calc cells does not immediately appear when dragging
 +* Fixed an issue where Calc crashes when deleting row 1048576
 +* Fixed a problem where Calc crashes when creating a line chart using the chart wizard
 +* Fixed a bug that caused sheet password protection to fail with Calc files created in older versions of NeoOffice
 +* Fixed a problem where an inserted .emf image may only be partially displayed
 +* Fixed an issue where an embedded Draw object in Writer document only prints black and white
 +* Fixed a bug that caused native spell check to fail randomly on Mac OS X 10.6.x
 +* Added support for displaying the native print dialog when NeoOffice receives a "print document" event from other Mac OS X applications
 +* Fixed an issue where the Geeza Pro font would not render correctly on Mac OS X 10.6.x
 +* Fixed a bug where it was not possible to move 1 pixel at time in Draw using Opt-arrow keys
 +* Fixed a case of high CPU usage when scrolling vertically
 +'''Note: 3.1.1 {{NeoPatchVer}} requires a full installation of NeoOffice 3.1.1 and will not install on any version of NeoOffice 3.0.x or NeoOffice 3.1.1 Beta Early Access. {{NeoPatchVer}} includes all fixes and additions of previous patches.'''
 +==== Older Patches ====
 +<!-- -->
 +'''3.1.1 Patch-1''': The new changes included in this patch are listed below:
* NeoOffice Mobile can now [ download files from Google Docs] * NeoOffice Mobile can now [ download files from Google Docs]
Line 39: Line 61:
* Fixed a problem where Calc did not recalculate cells containing the INDIRECT() function * Fixed a problem where Calc did not recalculate cells containing the INDIRECT() function
* Fixed a crash when opening certain master documents * Fixed a crash when opening certain master documents
-'''Note: 3.1.1 {{NeoPatchVer}} requires a full installation of NeoOffice 3.1.1 and will not install on any version of NeoOffice 3.0.x or NeoOffice 3.1.1 Beta Early Access. {{NeoPatchVer}} includes all fixes and additions of previous patches.''' 
-==== Older Patches ==== 
-'''3.0.w Patch-1''': The new changes included in this patch are listed below: 
-* Fixed --> 
<!-- <!--
The "no patch available" text:--> The "no patch available" text:-->

Revision as of 02:25, 10 August 2010



Current Version

The latest version of NeoOffice is: 3.1.1.

NeoOffice 3.1.1 requires a PPC or Intel Macintosh running Mac OS X 10.4.11 or higher. Some Aqua features will appear differently depending on your version of Mac OS X.

You can find the MD5SUMs for current NeoOffice downloads (main binary, language packs, and patches) on the NeoOffice MD5 Checksums page.


If you want to receive announcements whenever a patch or new release of NeoOffice is available, there are several options available:

  • NeoOffice has built-in update checking, which by default checks for updates once a week.
  • Trinity users can sign up for email notifications of any release or patch announcements posted in this topic by clicking on this link.
  • If you prefer feeds to email, you can subscribe to our patch and release announcements RSS feed by clicking on this RSS feed using your web browser or feed aggregator.

Current Patch

3.1.1 Patch-17 is now available. The new changes included in this patch are listed below:

  • Fixed a bug where cursor and character positions do not match when non-printing "dot character" is displayed in some fonts
  • Fixed a bug where the Calc SUM() formula for a cell range in an external file returns incorrect results
  • Fixed an issue where Calc grid lines hidden by cell background color
  • Stopped a crash when copying and pasting from Calc to Impress with Belgian keyboard layout
  • Fixed a bug where outline of selected Calc cells does not immediately appear when dragging
  • Fixed an issue where Calc crashes when deleting row 1048576
  • Fixed a problem where Calc crashes when creating a line chart using the chart wizard
  • Fixed a bug that caused sheet password protection to fail with Calc files created in older versions of NeoOffice
  • Fixed a problem where an inserted .emf image may only be partially displayed
  • Fixed an issue where an embedded Draw object in Writer document only prints black and white
  • Fixed a bug that caused native spell check to fail randomly on Mac OS X 10.6.x
  • Added support for displaying the native print dialog when NeoOffice receives a "print document" event from other Mac OS X applications
  • Fixed an issue where the Geeza Pro font would not render correctly on Mac OS X 10.6.x
  • Fixed a bug where it was not possible to move 1 pixel at time in Draw using Opt-arrow keys
  • Fixed a case of high CPU usage when scrolling vertically

Note: 3.1.1 Patch-17 requires a full installation of NeoOffice 3.1.1 and will not install on any version of NeoOffice 3.0.x or NeoOffice 3.1.1 Beta Early Access. Patch-17 includes all fixes and additions of previous patches.

Older Patches

3.1.1 Patch-1: The new changes included in this patch are listed below:

  • NeoOffice Mobile can now download files from Google Docs
  • Added support for Mac OS X Services that modify the selected text
  • Fixed a bug where Calc resize guidelines disappear when resizing selected columns
  • Fixed a highlighting artifact in merged cells
  • Fixed a possible crash when undoing paste in merged cells
  • Fixed a problem where Calc native highlighting did not display when row height is reduced
  • Fixed an issue where the Paste Special menu item did not recognize tab delimited text
  • Fixed a bug where the “Merge and Center Cells” toolbar button was disabled when cells were selected using keyboard
  • Fixed a problem where Calc did not recalculate cells containing the INDIRECT() function
  • Fixed a crash when opening certain master documents

NeoOffice 3.1.1 includes all of the code in NeoOffice 3.1.1 Beta plus fixes for several bugs reported by our users after NeoOffice 3.1.1 Beta was released.

Unfortunately, there is no patch available to upgrade NeoOffice 3.1.1 Beta installations to NeoOffice 3.1.1. The bug fixes that we made after NeoOffice 3.1.1 Beta was released are too large to include in a patch. As a result, NeoOffice 3.1.1 Beta users will need to download and install NeoOffice 3.1.1.

Below is a list of the bugs in NeoOffice 3.1.1 Beta that we fixed in NeoOffice 3.1.1:

  • Fixed a bug where it was not possible to cycle through more than 2 open documents with certain keyboard settings
  • Fixed an issue where Writer frame resize handles remained on screen
  • Fixed a crash when printing with Java 1.4.2
  • Fixed a possible crash when saving documents
  • Fixed an issue where a missing glyph could cause PDF export to fail
  • Fixed a bug that caused Services menu items to always be disabled

New Features in NeoOffice 3.1.1

If you have not downloaded a release of NeoOffice since version 3.0.2, there are several new features in NeoOffice 3.1.1. Some of the most significant include:

  • Based on the 3.1.1 codebase
  • Added support for "Look Up in Dictionary" context menu item in Writer to look up a word's definition, if it exists, in Mac OS X's Dictionary application
  • NeoOffice Mobile enhancements
    • Users can view 10 versions of each NeoOffice Mobile file
    • The NeoOffice Mobile window is collapsible
    • The NeoOffice Mobile menu uses less space in NeoOffice's menubar

Archived Release Notes

This article in other languages: Nederlands
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