Configuring MySQL using ODBC and Mac App Store versions of NeoOffice
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(Redirected from Configuring MySQL using ODBC and NeoOffice Secure Edition)

While Mac App Store versions of NeoOffice cannot use JDBC drivers, Mac App Store versions of NeoOffice can connect to MySQL servers using ODBC.
Please note that you must use the steps listed below to use MySQL's ODBC driver in Mac App Store versions of NeoOffice. These special steps are necessary because applications in Apple's Mac App Store must implement several security requirements. Unfortunately, Apple's security requirements make MySQL's default ODBC driver installation inaccessible to Mac App Store versions of NeoOffice.
- Download the .tar.gz for MySQL's 64 bit ODBC driver. The .tar.gz must be used because the .dmg installer will not work with applications that run in Apple's App Sandbox.
- Double-click on the downloaded .tar.gz file to unpack it. That should create a folder with name starting with "mysql-connector-odbc". Move that folder to your ~/Library/Containers/org.neooffice.NeoOfficeSecureEdition/Data folder (note: "~" means your Home folder).
- If your DSN definitions are in the /Library/ODBC folder or ~/Library/ODBC folder, copy the applicable folder into your ~/Library/Containers/org.neooffice.NeoOfficeSecureEdition/Data/Library folder.
- Open the ~/Library/Containers/org.neooffice.NeoOfficeSecureEdition/Data/Library/ODBC/odbc.ini file that you created in the previous step in a text editor and replace any occurrences of "localhost" with "". Using "localhost" will cause the MySQL ODBC driver to use the /tmp/mysql.sock file to connect to the database and that file is not accessible to applications running in Apple's App Sandbox.
- Open the ~/Library/Containers/org.neooffice.NeoOfficeSecureEdition/Data/Library/ODBC/odbcinst.ini file that you created in a text editor and replace any occurrences of "/usr/local/lib" with "/Users/<username>/Library/Containers/org.neooffice.NeoOfficeSecureEdition/Data/<mysql>". Note: replace "<username>" with your Mac user account name and "<mysql>" with the name of the folder that you moved in step 2 above.
If you did the above correctly and your MySQL server is running, you should be able to connect to the MySQL server from Base in Mac App Store versions of NeoOffice.