Legacy Information

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Information related to older NeoOffice releases


About legacy information in the NeoWiki

NeoOffice milestone releases typically obsolete previous final releases and are no longer supported or receive bugfixes. However, we realize that some people are uncomfortable upgrading from a stable final release to an alpha or beta milestone, so some information about problems and work-arounds for older releases remains available. Additionally, NeoOffice/J 1.1 was the last release to support Mac OS X 10.2.x, so users of that operating system cannot upgrade to a newer milestone. This page collects legacy and release-specific information still available in the NeoWiki.

Please note that these older releases of NeoOffice are not officially supported and will not receive bugfixes.

NeoOffice/J 1.1

NeoOffice/J 0.8.x

There is no known 0.8.x-specific information in the NeoWiki. NeoOffice/J 0.8.x is no longer available for download and should not be used; all users should upgrade to NeoOffice/J 1.1 or higher.

NeoOffice/J 0.7.x

There is no known 0.7.x-specific information in the NeoWiki. NeoOffice/J 0.7.x is no longer available for download and should not be used; all users should upgrade to NeoOffice/J 1.1 or higher.

NeoOffice/J 0.0.x

There is no known 0.0.x-specific information in the NeoWiki. NeoOffice/J 0.0.x is no longer available for download and should not be used; all users should upgrade to NeoOffice/J 1.1 or higher.


Legacy information about the old CoreGraphics/Cocoa NeoOffice (aka NeoOffice/C) is available on the NeoOffice/C page.

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