Using Citation and Bibliographic Software

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Mainstream citation/bibliographic software (e.g. EndNote) does not fully support and by extension NeoOffice. However, it is still possible to use some of the citation software with NeoOffice, and there are also alternative software packages that do work with NeoOffice.

Although there is an issue filed on the problem, the changes will most likely have to be made in the citation app, not in or NeoOffice. However, citation app makers seem reluctant to expend effort to fully support anything but Microsoft Office until there is "sufficient" demand, so the best course of action for an end-user is to send feedback to the citation app maker requesting full support.


Using EndNote


Conversion Tools


  • The built-in bibliographic support will be "much improved" in 3.0, whenever that appears! [8]
  • Interim projects/filters/macros to beef up support until the new bibliographic feature arrives [9]


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