Titles on Trinity Forums

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Revision as of 15:12, 21 February 2008 by Jgd (Talk | contribs)
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You have probably noticed that a "title" appears under your pseudonym in the trinity forums. These titles vary depending on the number of posts you have made on the forums. They are taken from the science fiction movie The Matrix. Some members of the community also have special titles.

First of all, the two developers (in alphabetical order): The Architect and The One.

Then: Town Crier, Ninja, Sake Horner, Sheepfun.

For the other members, the table below provides the correspondence between the number of posts and the title.

Number of posts Title
From 1 to 4 Blue Pill
From 5 to 9 Red Pill
From 10 to 19 Agent
From 20 to 29 Sentinel
From 30 to 39 Pure-blooded Human
From 40 to 49 Operator
From 50 to 99 Captain
From 100 to 199 Councilperson
From 200 to 299 Oracle
From 300 to 399 Seraph
From 400 to 499 The Anomaly (earlier version)
From 500 to 749 The Merovingian
From 750 to 999 The Trainperson
From 1000 to 1499 The Anomaly
From 1500 to 1549 Agent Smith
From 1550 à ? Cipher

In January 2008 Ed revealed that there are currently ranks up to and above 3000 posts.

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