NeoOffice Math

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About NeoOffice Math

The Math component integrated in NeoOffice allows you to write formulæ and mathematical symbols both in other NeoOffice document and as stand-alone Math documents. Formulæ created as stand-alone documents can also be inserted into text documents, spreadsheets, or presentations.
The method used by NeoOffice Math for writing formulæ, although not as intuitive as the methods used by MathType, the AppleWorks equation editor, or Microsoft Office, is very effective and permits the inclusion of these formulæ in any document.

Using NeoOffice Math

Writing a formula in a NeoOffice document (text, spreadsheet, presentation)

There are two possible ways to do this:

  • Using the Formula Command window:
    • Select Formula from the Object sub-menu of the Insert menu.
      A floating Selection window appears and the document window is split, with the Command “window” appearing at the bottom of the document. The Selection window lists all of the groups of mathematical symbols and functions available, which appear in the lower part of the Selection window when clicking on the corresponding group icon.
    • Click on an icon, e.g. Operators, to show all of the items available in that group.
    • Click on the icon of the operator that you want to use (in this example, a limit, an integral, or a sum).
    • In the Command window, complete the formula by replacing the <?> with your desired values or operators. If there are multiple fields (<?>) to fill in, you can move from one to the next by pressing F4.
  • Writing the formula directly in your document:
    • If you are familiar with the syntax of the NeoOffice Math language, simply type your formula in the document.
    • Select your formula and then choose Formula from the Object sub-menu of the Insert menu. NeoOffice automatically turns your typed formula into a real formula object.

Creating and inserting a stand-alone formula

Creating a stand-alone formula

  • Select the Formula item in the New sub-menu of the File menu. A document consisting of an empty page and the Command window attached to the bottom of the page will open, as will the Selection window. Apply one of the two methods explained in the preceding section to enter your formula. The forumla will appear in the middle of the blank page.
  • Save your formula like any other document; the file will be saved in the .odf format.

Inserting a stand-alone formula in a NeoOffice document

When inserting a stand-alone formula into a text document, spreadsheet or presentation, there are two methods available:

  • Choose OLE Object… from the Object sub-menu of the Insert menu.
  • In the Insert OLE Object window that appears, click on Create from file and then on the Search… button. After you have selected the desired formula file, click OK.


  • Choose Formula from the Object sub-menu of the Insert menu.
  • Choose Import Formula… from the Tools menu.
  • Dans la fenêtre de dialogue d'ouverture de fichiers qui apparait, naviguez jusqu'à la formule que vous désirez importer, sélectionnez-la et cliquez sur Ouvrir.

Vous pouvez ainsi vous constituer une collection de formules facilement insérables et éditables dans un document de NeoOffice.


Vous trouverez ici un How-to en français très complet sur l'écriture des formules mathématiques.

Deux autres documents en anglais sont téléchargeables ici

Tips and Hints

This article in other languages: Français Italiano Español
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