De:Funktionsvergleich mit anderen Programmen (NeoOffice 1.2)

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Bitte beachten Sie: Einige der Informationen sind nach der Veröffentlichung von NeoOffice 1.2 überholt, und ein Update ist in Vorbereitung. Auch 2.0 für X11 ist veröffentlicht worden, und die Spalte dieses Programms ist noch nicht aktualisiert.

NeoOffice hat massenhaft Vorteile gegenüber anderen Office-Paketen, insbesondere dem von Microsoft. Vor allem ist NeoOffice kostenlose Open-Source-Software, die Sie von kostspieligen Lizenzgebühren befreit.

Es gibt unter ein großes Support-Forum der Gemeinde, das auch von den Entwicklern besucht wird.


NeoOffice vs. Microsoft Office

Von diesen Vorteilen abgesehen hat NeoOffice 1.2 Funktionen, die Microsoft Office in den Schatten stellen:

FunktionNeoOfficeMS Office 2004 für Mac
Preis (Standardausgabe)$0.00$349.95
Type ahead functionality (optional), wie es viele Mobiltelefone habenJANein
Ein logisches, sicheres, paketweites Template-System, so daß die Templates nie versehentlich geupdated werdenJANein
Sauberer HTML-Code-Export (übereinstimmend mit den internationalen Webstandards)JANein
Unterstützung des international standardmäßigen OpenDocument-Dateiformatsnur ImportNein
Unterstützung von sprachgesteuertem Diktieren und ähnlicher SoftwareJAJA(?)
Vereinheitlichte Oberfläche, um Lernzeiten und -kosten zu reduzierenJANein
Lokalisierte Benutzeroberfläche (Anzahl der Sprachen)40*7*
Internationale Rechtschreibprüfung und lokalisierte Hilfe61**12**
Unterstützung von Texteingabe in nicht-romanischen Schriften, u.a. südasiatische, ostasiatische, rechts-nach-links und komplexe Text-Layout-SkriptenJAEinige [1]
Unterstützte Schriften oder Sprachen:
Chinesisch (vereinfacht)JAJA
Chinesisch (traditionell)JAJA
Devanagari & Gujarati (Indisch Sprachen)JANein
Romanisch (West- und Osteuropäische Sprachen)JA
Romanisch (Hawaiianisch, Nord-Sami)JA
Romanisch (Vietnamesisch)Nein
Writer (Textverarbeitungsprogramm):
Ein logisches Stilsystem, das nicht je nach Ihrer Layoutwahl Stile erfindetJANein
Zweckmäßiges bullet/list numberingJANein
Die Fähigkeit, WordPerfect-Dokumente zu importieren (dank des libwpd-Projekts)JANein
Calc (spreadsheet):
More conditional layout options for cellsJANein
Style-enabled layout system for text and cellsJANein
Impress (presentation):
The ability to export to Flash animationJANein
Superior (3D) font art possibilities.JANein
* NeoOffice ships with UIs for 12 languages; the other 28 are freely available in language packs. Office 2004 is available in English (all versions of Office 2004), and in French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and Swedish (for some versions of Office 2004; must be ordered separately) [2].
** NeoOffice includes help files and a growing number of writing (proofing) tools for many languages from the project [3], [4], [5], [6]. Microsoft Office 2004 ships with proofing tools for English, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, German, Danish, Swedish, Portuguese, Finnish, and Dutch [7].
*** You must use the Caps Lock key to enable syllabics.
**** Because includes support for languages and scripts which do not have keyboard layouts in Mac OS X, and because Mac OS X includes system-level Unicode support for many of these languages even though Apple does not ship fonts or keyboards, it is very likely that NeoOffice will support text entry (and perhaps sorting) in the language/script if one installs third-party Unicode fonts and keyboard layouts. See Tom Gewecke's Your Multilingual Mac for more resources. For instance, there is a report that NeoOffice handles Khmer very well, and there has even been a report of using NeoOffice with characters in Unicode Planes 1 and 2.

NeoOffice vs. for Macintosh (X11)

NeoOffice is far more integrated with OS X than the X11 version on which it is based. Rather than relying on X11, NeoOffice uses Java to bridge the gap between the interface code and Apple's OS X. for Mac (X11)
Uses your normal Mac fonts (no conversion required)JANein
Smooth font display (Quartz anti-aliasing)JANein
Allows international keyboards and input methodsJAPartial
Switches keyboards and input methods along with your MacJANein
Optimized PDF generationJANein
Native Aqua menusJANein
Native OS X printingJANein
Native (styled) copy and paste supportJANein
Drag-and-drop between other applicationsJANein
Normal Mac keyboard shortcuts (command key)JAJA*
Mouse wheel scrollingJA???
Integrated with Finder and major mail clientsJAPartial**
Usable with accessibility tools such as iListen, Proloquo, ViaVoice, and othersJANein codebase (version)***
Runs on Mac OS X 10.2.x, 10.3.x, 10.4.xJAJA***
* Available only with certain settings in Apple X11, which is available only to users of Mac OS X 10.3.x and 10.4.x
** Finder integration provided by separate Start application; integration with Apple Mail only
*** The official Mac OS X version of is available only in English, is based on the 1.1.2 codebase, and runs on Mac OS X 10.2.x, 10.3.x, and 10.4.x. Unofficial localized French (1.1.3), Japanese (1.1.2, 1.1.4) and German (1.1.4) versions are available, but these versions run only on Mac OS X 10.3.x or 10.4.x, depending on the version.

Still To Do

In all fairness, NeoOffice is not perfect. No software is. Along with relatively large RAM requirements (minimum 256MB, 512MB recommended), there is always room for improvement. NeoOffice can (and will) get better. Take a look at the following comparison:

Feature NeoOffice MS Office 2004 for Mac for Mac (X11)
Bitmap printing at >300 dpi Nein JA JA
Standard Mac OS X open & save dialogues Nein JA Nein
Media (plugin) support Nein JA Nein
Non-Mac keyboard shortcuts Some Some Some
Table drawing options Good Very good Good
Aqua look-and-feel Partial Full None

Other Comparisons

Additional feature comparisons between selected office suites and word processors are available at Mellel and other word processors (; compares Mellel with Microsoft™ Office,, and Nisus Writer Express, but not NeoOffice®/J) and Word-Alternativen: Der Test (; compares AbiWord, Mellel, NeoOffice®/J, Nisus Writer Express, and Apple's Pages [de]).

Supported File Formats

NeoOffice can read and write a large variety of file formats, both current and legacy. Current and recent Microsoft Office file formats are just some of the import and export possibilities; for a more complete listing, see the NeoOffice File Formats matrix.

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