ClipArt Code

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(will make this pretty later - the white rabbit)

-- clipart.applescript
-- clipart

--  Created by Jacob  Haddon on 7/31/06.

-- this will install a folder into the 'gallery' of OO.o
-- Version 0.1 a.3 -6 August 2006

on run
	--display dialog readPref()
end run

on idle
	(* Add any idle time processing here. *)
end idle

-- the list of file types which will be processed
-- eg: {"PICT", "JPEG", "TIFF", "GIFf"}
property type_list : {"ZIP"}
-- since file types are optional in Mac OS X,
-- check the name extension if there is no file type
-- NOTE: do not use periods (.) with the items in the name extensions list
-- eg: {"txt", "text", "jpg", "jpeg"}, NOT: {".txt", ".text", ".jpg", ".jpeg"}
property extension_list : {"zip"}

-- This droplet processes files dropped onto the applet
-- checks file type, only processes ZIP files
on open names
end open

---- subroutines ----

-- openTheseItems
-- goes through each to make sure they are .zip files
-- processes the zip files

on openTheseItems(these_items)
	repeat with i from 1 to the count of these_items
		set this_item to item i of these_items
		set the item_info to info for this_item
		if (folder of the item_info is false) and ¬
			(alias of the item_info is false) and ¬
			((the file type of the item_info is in the type_list) or the name extension of the item_info is in the extension_list) then
			set theFilePath to " \"" & (POSIX path of this_item) & "\""
			set theFileInfo to (info for this_item)
			display dialog "You have installed " & this_item & "!"
			display dialog (this_item as text) & " is not a ZIP file"
		end if
	end repeat
end openTheseItems

-- unzipFile
-- this unzips the .zip file into the gallery
-- input f  is name of .zip file
on unzipFile(f)
	set gallery to pathToGallery()
	--display dialog gallery
	--display dialog f
	set thisscript to "unzip -o " & f & " -d " & gallery
	--set rmscript to "rm -r" & gallery & "/__MACOSX"
	do shell script thisscript with administrator privileges
end unzipFile

-- pathToGallery
-- gets the path to the gallery
-- this is where the output of the unzip will go

on pathToGallery()
	-- path to neo
	-- set gallery to "/Applications/"
	-- path to oo.ox11
	-- set gallery to "/Applications/\\"
	--tell application "Finder" to set j to POSIX path of (application file id "org.neooffice.neooffice" as string)
	set k to "/Contents/share/gallery"
	set l to "/Contents/openoffice.org2.0/share/gallery"
	set qq to readPref()
	if qq = "NeoOffice" then
		-- if statement to decide Neo or OO.o
		tell application "Finder" to set j to POSIX path of (application file id "org.neooffice.neooffice" as string)
		set m to quoted form of j & k -- for neo
	else if qq = "" then
		tell application "Finder" to set j to POSIX path of (application file id "org.openoffice.script" as string)
		set m to quoted form of j & l -- for oo.o
		display dialog "Your Preferences are not set"
	end if
	return m
end pathToGallery

-- getZipNames
-- this gets the names of the zip files in the app

on getZipNames()
	set a to POSIX path of (path to me) as string
	--display dialog a
	set next to "Contents/Resources/zipfiles"
	set test to (do shell script "ls " & a & next as string)
	tell application "Finder" to set gallery to POSIX path of (application file id "org.neooffice.neooffice" as string)
	--display dialog gallery
end getZipNames

-- userPref
-- takes user input and returns it as a string
-- asks which office suite (Neo or OO.o) they want to use

on userPref()
	set whichOffice to {"NeoOffice", ""}
	set thisOffice to (choose from list whichOffice with prompt "Select Office Suite" without multiple selections allowed) as text
	--display dialog thisOffice
	return thisOffice as text
end userPref

-- readPref
-- read the preference stored in /contents/resources/pref.txt
-- default "none"
-- "NeoOffice" or "" after run

on readPref()
	--set officePref to (choose file with prompt "Select a file to read:" of type {"TEXT"})
	set officePref to (((path to me) as text) & "Contents:Resources:pref.txt")
	set officePref to officePref as alias
	open for access officePref
	set xx to (read officePref)
	close access officePref
	return xx
end readPref

-- writePref
-- writes the preference to /contents/resources/pref.txt
-- input is value to be written

on writePref(t)
	set officePref2 to (((path to me) as text) & "Contents:Resources:pref.txt")
	set officePref2 to officePref2 as alias
	set prefFile to open for access officePref2 with write permission
	set eof of prefFile to 0
	write t to prefFile
	close access officePref2
	display dialog "You have set your preference to: " & t
	return true
end writePref

-- checkPref
-- this checks to see if preferences have been set
-- does file say "NeoOffice" or ""?
-- yes, end, no, go to pref dialog

on checkPref()
	set y to readPref()
	if y = "NeoOffice" or y = "" then
		--display dialog "Yo!"
		return true
	end if
end checkPref

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